Feranmi Okafor, Growth Marketer and Founder of Tech Marketers Hub
Feranmi Okafor


1. Would you mind sharing briefly your experience with Marketing?

I’ve worked in marketing for three years. During that time I’ve worked at the intersection of growth and communications across a number of products. Now, I currently work within the digital technology space. I’m also the founder of Tech Marketers Hub.


2. It must be fun and challenging being in 2 trending spaces in the economy. Marketing and Tech (As per “women in tech” *laughs*) – What has that been like? 

Working in tech has been an eye-opener, especially in a no-code role. I have grown a lot and learned a lot. I’ve never really been conscious of the role “women-in-tech” thing. I want to be the best I can be and I think I’m doing a great job so far.


3. What are you most proud of about yourself in your career journey?

How resilient I am. I like that I go after what I want unapologetically. I’m very dogged when it comes to my career growth. Some highlights would be working with international tech products and setting up a community for tech marketers.


4. We understand you have a community you’re managing, you want to shed more light on what it’s about & what the goal is?

We’re building something really important for marketers within the digital technology space. I decided to create a community for budding and experienced marketers to network, and get access to mentorship, job opportunities, and resources to grow. In less than six months, we’re close to 900 members across 10 time zones. The goal is to grow 10x, to make this the point place for hiring tech marketers and the first resource for that marketer that’s just starting out. We’re fully registered as a Non-Profit, It’s called the Tech Marketers Hub. It’s my passion project and I’m so proud of how we’re growing.


5. Outside of Marketing- I mean when you’re not talking about marketing, influencing marketing, or growth in business, what other things interest you? 

I write and perform poetry, growing up that’s what people knew me for. At 16, I had my own show called “Moonlight Tales”. I also love to travel, I love driving, reading African literature, and listening to music. I like doing things that spark joy, I laugh a lot.


6. What tips will you give small businesses/startups/entrepreneurs to implement for growth in their business?

Storytelling is so important for your products. People already know the “how” but the why is so much more important. Users want to see themselves in your product.

Customer experience is everyone’s job.

Always try a multi-channel approach to marketing as an early-stage company.


ALSO READ: #FifthGems: Meet Ibukun Joyce, Marketing Coordinator at Burger King Nigeria


Connect with Feranmi Okafor on Twitter 




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